Plaza de Eduardo Castro, 6,
24700 Astorga, León
987 61 56 54
Gaudi Hotel Astorga is a genuine and hearth in this important property for the road to Santiago and to stop as recommended by both the gastronomic interest as the monumental city.
Gaudi Hotel is in the heart and in a superb location with direct Gaudí's Episcopal Palace which takes its name and direct views overlooking the cathedral.
The restaurant is deservedly famous in the region for fine dining and reasonable prices. They have special menu and special services for pilgrims and of course bicigrinos.
Special Price for bicigrinos
Double ** Approximate price: 55 euros.
Check availability and price:
reservas@gaudihotel.es our 987 615 654
The Hotel has a coffee shop and restaurant with a menu.
There is a bar-restaurant.